'Understanding Stress & Anxiety
On Line Workshop
Understanding Stress & Anxiety:
And how you can help yourself
through mindfulness.
Understanding Stress & Anxiety: And how you can help yourself through Mindfulness.
This online workshop will be run over a period of 4 weekly sessions via zoom. So, you can par take in the comfort of your own home.
These sessions will be on a Monday with two time slots available:
10.30AM & 7.30PM, Places are limited to 10 per session (If places fill quickly, I will arrange another workshop in the near future)
Cost: An energy exchange of £50 for the workshop. (payment options are available)
Starting: Monday May 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th
If you are interested in signing up and getting a better understanding of your own stress and Anxieties email me at;
for more information and payment details.
This workshop is to help you to understand what stress and anxiety is and how it works. It is my belief that once you have this understanding, you can then begin to have a better understanding of your own stresses and anxieties. We will be looking at how stress and anxiety affects different parts of the body and mind, and what part the nervous system plays.
I will explain the 5 building blocks to anxiety so you can review your own life and where your own anxieties may originate from, as well as looking at how your mind tries to protect you.
You can start to help yourself by learning to be more mindful, and by learning some mindfulness techniques which you can implement into your daily life. These techniques will help to ease your stress and anxieties, but will also help to ease any pain that you may be suffering. By actively practising these techniques you will be starting to take back control of your own wellbeing.
This workshop will be run over a four-week period and will contain short videos explaining the
different aspects and practical exercises which will cover the following:
Week One – What is stress?
What part the nervous system plays
What the breath is and how we use it.
Breathing Techniques (Practical)
Week Two – Physical reactions to stress, both short and long term
Affects stress has on the body
12 Habits of anxiety
Full body relaxation (Practical)
Week Three – The 5 Building blocks to Anxiety
How the mind protects us
Recap on the breathing
Meditation to find your safe space (practical)
Week Four – What is mindfulness?
Recap Breathing (practical)
Body awareness exercise (practical)
So if you would like to have a better understanding of your own Stresses and anxieties, and learn some techniques to help you manage, then this workshop is the one for you.
Email Me at : rainbowsendtherapies@yahoo.co.uk with the subject heading stress workshop.